Sunday, April 29, 2012


 Aloha everyone, well i've been here for two weeks and this is whats had happened. school school school, study, study, study, read, read, read. I'm very busy cramming a full semesters work into 7weeks. Home is much missed but life goes on just like any uni student. my room mate has moved out so i have my room to myself, room 207A, however there are ants all over the place everywhere its gross, yes i'm sleeping with ants. But having a room to myself is great because its a small room anyway, if i had a room mate i'd be sharing wardrobes, drawers and desks. I have privacy which is nice. Of course it is hot but not to bad i'm just waiting for summer to hit.
I have to say that we kiwis are very privileged without bugs and all other creepy crawlies in our living areas. We live a first class life, good food, clean water(chch), luxury. I LOVE NZ!
The fruit here is great, huge oranges YUM YUM and cheaper than NZ.
I am working at the Polynesian Cultural centre as a customers service clerk i deal with complaints and questions. Been doing it three days and i'm not really trained but its good. MONEY IS ALWAYS GOOD.








Two of the Best People
The Best Friends ever had (some are abscent)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pretty Days in Raglan

Spent yesterday in Raglan with cousin Emma, Reese and Mum. More family joined us for dinner and we hit the beach. Very cool town not far from hamilton. Good old beach town. Had yummy food and a nice relaxing day in the sun. Pretty views and all. Cute little Asher was in is prime playing with the sand and hanging out in the water!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas and other Adventures!

Its been an eventful time over the last week. Starting with a great family Christmas, delicious stomach filling food, plenty of gifts, the traditional family water fight, and a little family concert. The following days were occupied but three days of painstaking tramping in the Goblin Forest. Beginning with 4 hours the days got longer and harder. Day 2 consisted of 8 hours of continuous up and down tramping. The next and last day took us onto 5 hours of extremely steep, unmarked tramping. Now don't get me wrong the Goblin forest was very cool. The trees were amazing and once we made it to the top it was a very cool view. However the pain was of another kind. The department of Conservation was not lying when they said that the tramp was for experienced and fit trampers. lol. But we did it and we are now experienced and fit trampers. HAHA! lol. New Years took me to Mount Maunganui for some loud music and extremely hot weather. A very busy lively place with lots of goings on.
Its hard to believe a year has past. It felt like yesterday I was updating my blog in New York City.
Home(Hamilton) is now where I lie in preparation for my next adventures. Recovery is defiantly needed after the last week. I feel movies, books and are in order for the next few days.
Life is still very much a holiday and I'm in bracing it while it lasts, before I start University and re begin my life again.
Happy New Year!
Exciting times lie ahead.

Coming back from the Mount
Izy, Jasmine and Cameron
Rosie and Liz
Me at the Victorious end of three days of Tramping
Mum and I in tramping Mode
The View From the Top
Goblin Forest(The Trees)
Day 2 Group Shot

View From Sandy Bay Hut
Sunset from Sandy Bay Hut

The Victorious Arrival Of Jas

Our Little Concert

Gingerbread House

Christmas Day
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 20, 2010

Visual Goings on

I few images of the goings on up here in Hamilton. Weddings, Gardening, Christmas Lights.

Today is the first day of Sun we've had in days. Three days of non-stop rain and now its boiling hot. Such unpredictable weather. Isn't there an in between?
It is now 5 days till Christmas and the Gingerbread house is made, just waiting on money for decor. It took a few attempts but i finally got it to stay up right. Got my fingers covering in Royal icing in the process.
My Xmas lilies have finally started blooming and they smell delicous. The Smell of Christmas is in the air. YUM YUM! Heres something new i found out. That there are two types of Xmas lilies. White ones and white and pink ones. The pink ones are the more traditional with the strong delicious smell. Don't be deceived as i was.
Yummy xmas smells of lilies, trees, baking and the season is created. YUM YUM YUM! It all makes me tingle with excitement....

Asher and Uncle Rob Chilling out

Garden Time

Best Wedding Dress i've seen in AGES

Pretty lights for the Best time of Year

Most Influential man in my life(Dad)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Months passed and Christmas Time

October, November and now December.

I'm living in Hamilton with family at this point and time. Heading home in the new year.

Christmas in 6 days.

My Favourite holiday is Christmas

The Food
The Music
The Gifts
the traditions
The smells
The love
Christmas Decor
Christmas trees
Christmas lilies
Citrus Slice
Making the gingerbread house
The Colours
even the rush and stress of last minute preparations.
and so much more.

These are a few of my favourite things....
Its such a happy wonderful season that i wish would never end. My mother is the master for christmas. She has taught me how and what to love about christmas. She makes christmas in our family. I don't know what we'd do without her.

Who would of thought that the birth of one little boy would be celebrated by the world thousands of years later. What a miracle that is. Every family has their different celebratory ways and yet we are all celebrating the same thing the same gift of Jesus Christ.

I hope that everyone can love and appreciate this holiday as much as i do and enjoy the blessings of family, of giving. and Of Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Times up

Well its all over rover. I'm going home. My adventures are thus far complete and i feel like i could sleep forever. My only question is... have my adventures really changed me?And in some ways i think so. I've become more independant and i'd learnt to not take your parents for granted. I think thats the most important thing i've learnt that is.. that i love my parents so much and apreciate them so much. What can i say i'm muumys girl. Honestly i think that its you guys who will know if i've changed. I hope i have and in good ways. I hope i've matured and i hope i've become more aware of who i am.
At the beginning of my trip i was so homesick i think i cried everyday for the first week i was here. I think about when i was in places like New York, Washington DC and Boston, i was there by myself. IN the moments i felt lonely and didn't really realise until now how cool it was. I look back and think man i was in NEw York for a week(thanks mim) wow i really lived in New YOrk. I did so much and saw so much and now that is part of my life and a memory i will never forget.
I've really been down the rabbit and now i'm goin back to sit under my homely comfortable tree with a whole part of the world that i'm aware of. At nineteen i've seen some of the most major citys in the world and i my life hasn't even really started.
I'm glad the time has gone quickly. i look back and apreciate my experiences so much more now and i have lots of items to remind me of my time in all those places.
So this part is over but hopefully more adventures awwait me when i get back to my home New Zealand.

The End

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Washington and Oregon

Tillamook Cheese Factory

The Coast
